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Stock Controller

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Candidatul Ideal

  • Experience in SAP. Experience to work with WMS is a plus
  • Very good knowledge in Excel and ability to work with big data base
  • Highly motivated and able to work with multiple teams simultaneously
  • Ability to work effectively with people at all levels and functions in the organization
  • Knowledge of inventory system
  • Very analytical and motivated to find solution to stock discrepancy
  • High school degree

Descrierea jobului

  • The CS&L Stock Controller main attribute will be to manage and analyze the stocks in SAP, WMS and physical stocks in order to reconcile the discrepancies between this 3 major elements in Logistic area.
  • Stock Controller will work across the organization and with 3PL representative to ensure that the stocks in each warehouse are according with the physical inventory. CS&L Stock Controller will issue report and analyses related with stock movements in order to increase the stock accuracy.
  • Issue weekly reports related with the transaction performed in SAP and WMS by the invoice operators or WMS admin, front line function from warehouse
  • Responsible for all activities related with blocking and release the goods in stock. Act as a single point of contact related with stocks issues
  • Daily checking of the transaction performed in SAP and WMS by warehouse team
  • Responsible for correct registration of all the goods in stocks
  • Request answer from Shift Leaders related with stocks discrepancy
  • Performed in daily basis stock comparison between SAP and WMS and investigate/correct the discrepancy
  • Check the production posting in SAP and correct the discrepancy
  • Responsible to update reports related with productivities per person
  • Support colleagues with high quality information related with stocks

Descrierea companiei

Misiunea noastră este să creăm mai multe zâmbete cu fiecare sorbitură și fiecare ronțăială.

Cine suntem? Suntem unul dintre liderii globali din piața băuturilor răcoritoare și a snacks-urilor. Într-un cuvânt: PepsiCo.

Din 2013, suntem atestați drept Angajator de Top la nivel local, un etalon pentru întreaga industrie pentru modul în care ajutăm profesioniștii să-și construiască o carieră de succes, pentru modul în care investim în tinerele talente și, mai ales, pentru cultura organizațională în care fiecare este încurajat să fie autentic. Succesul PepsiCo constă în echipe diverse, în care pasiunea, integritate și ambiția de a fi printre cei mai buni formează The PepsiCo Way.

Află mai multe despre provocările lansate de PepsiCo pe întreg globul pe .

Publicat 6 Mart. 2024 Reactualizat 3 Apr. 2024 Expiră 5 Apr. 2024
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