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Specialist Marketing

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Candidatul Ideal

We are looking for an enthusiastic Marketing Specialist to help us in our overall marketing efforts. You will be an integral part of the development and execution of marketing plans to reach targets from brand awareness to product promotion across the countries.

The role requires a candidate with a strong understanding & proven experience in the marketing industry, experience in IT, Saas company or related industries is a big plus.

Skills and experience:
  • Proven working experience as a marketing specialist or a social media specialist;
  • It’s a plus to have experience in an Agency or a SAAS or IT company;
  • Good knowledge of all social media platforms;
  • Native-like command of the English language (speaking & writing);
  • Driven team player, collaborator, and relationship builder;
  • Ability to work effectively on cross-functional and multicultural teams;
  • Positive attitude, detail, and customer-oriented with good multitasking and organizational ability

Descrierea jobului

  • Assisting in outbound or inbound marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, ︁︀​︂︃︃​︈︃​︀events planning, etc.)
  • Brainstorming and developing ideas for creative marketing campaigns;
  • Build and execute social media campaigns through competitive research, platform determination, messaging and audience identification;
  • Set up and optimize company accounts within each social platform to increase the visibility of the company’s social content;
  • Generate, edit, publish, and share daily content (original text, images, video) that builds brand awareness and encourages community members to take action;
  • Collaborate with other departments and countries to have integrated communication together.
  • Coordinate de communication within targeted groups or communities, partners communities;
  • Assisting and organizing the events online and offline, co-branded events with the partners, conferences, and fairs together with the other members of the departments;

  • Competitive salary based on level of seniority;
  • Opportunity to work with a talented and passionate team;
  • Professional growth and development opportunities.
  • Benefits (meal tickets 20 lei/ working day, vacay bonus - 600 eur/ year)

Descrierea companiei

theMarketer este o platformă integrată de e-mail marketing și fidelizare, ce ajută afacerile online să își gestioneze și să țină legătura cu abonații lor, să își fidelizeze clienții și să le ofere acestora o voce prin programe de referral, recenzii și UGC.

Alătură-te echipei care a creat cel mai căutat produs emergent al momentului și ajută-ne să facem marketingul eficient, simplu și accesibil pentru toți!

Publicat 4 Iun. 2024 Reactualizat 4 Iul. 2024 Expiră 4 Iul. 2024
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