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Senior Client Service - Brand Expertise

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Candidatul Ideal

Capabilities - To succeed, you will need:
3+ years of marketing research experience
Marketing knowledge and a thorough understanding of marketing research principles.
Advanced knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint.
Good command of English for written and verbal communication.
Experience using basic quantitative analytical techniques.
Strong detail-orientation with ability to manage multiple work streams.
Excellent verbal and written communication with internal/external clients using logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Social Sciences, or related field.

People and interpersonal orientation
Proactive and with a positive attitude.
Work co-operatively as a team player to accomplish team goals.
Build and manage relationships across internal stakeholders eg. Project management & delivery team
Learning mindset - quick learner / able to grasp concepts easily.
Confident and able to build relationships with people easily.
Ability to take ownership and to work independently.

Descrierea jobului

At Kantar we shape the brands of tomorrow by better understanding people everywhere.
We go beyond the obvious, using intelligence, passion, and creativity to inspire new thinking and shape the world we live in.

Job Details
Our amazing Brand team is looking for a passionate senior researcher to join us in delivering excellence to our clients. In this role you will be managing the day-to-day running of our projects both internally and externally with our clients, with the support of seniors in the team. We ultimately aim to grow our clients’ businesses, through developing a deep understanding of their brands, through unpacking the impact of their marketing activities against their strategies and identifying potential growth opportunities for their brands. You will suit this role if you are passionate about marketing, brands, and research in general, manage your time well, have strong attention-to-detail, are confident and able to grasp new concepts quickly.
As a Senior Client Service, you will be working together with Account Managers and Directors in successfully delivering Brand research to the portfolio clients. You will partner with teams working on brand equity programs and brand-related marketing research.
You will collaborate with Account Managers and Directors in building client relationships on pitches/proposals, demonstrating sector expertise & insight.
As a Senior Client Service - Brand Expertise, you will have the unique opportunity to translate data into compelling stories, manage account project activities, and nurture relationships with our clients through day-to-day interaction. This is an incredible growth opportunity, to build your capabilities in research and position yourself for expanded career opportunities. This role will have a focus on Brand Guidance and Strategy, but it might require also to do work on other subject areas such as: Media Effectiveness and Creative Development Strategy.

Key Outcomes for this Role:
Client, Strategy & Research

As a Senior Client Service - Brand Expertise, your responsibilities will include:
  • Account Management. Manage day-to-day account activities, managing internal and client timelines, partnering across departments to ensure smooth delivery. Activities include but are not exclusive: questionnaire design and analysis plan, logic checking deliverables, data analysis development, creating shells for analysis, ad hoc requests.
  • Insights Delivery. Craft compelling stories, working with the rest of the team to translate data into insights that address key client business issues. Developing Presentation charting templates and occasional charting for additional analysis. Participate in client presentations; present findings to internal team for learning and development.
  • Client Management. Interact with clients on a day-to-day basis, professionally responding to client needs, questions, solving business problems that drive client satisfaction. Gather client, industry, and category knowledge.
Part of the role responsibilities will be:
Designing client proposals.
Coordinate/ design the research questionnaire to meet client objectives.
Coordinate/ provide the specs for the data analysts to design the final report.
Develop the final report analysis, conclusions and insights.
Client presentations and workshops.

Descrierea companiei

Why join Kantar?
We shape the brands of tomorrow by better understanding people everywhere.
By understanding people, we can understand what drives their decisions, actions, and aspirations on a global scale. And by amplifying our in-depth expertise of human understanding alongside ground-breaking technology, we can help brands find concrete insights that will help them succeed in our fast-paced, ever shifting world. And because we know people, we like to make sure our own people are being looked after as well. Equality of opportunity for everyone is our highest priority and we support our colleagues to work in a way that supports their health and wellbeing. While we encourage teams to spend part of their working week in the office, we understand no one size fits all; our approach is flexible to ensure everybody feels included, accepted, and that we can win together. We’re dedicated to creating an inclusive culture and value the diversity of our people, clients, suppliers, and communities, and we encourage applications from all backgrounds and sections of society. Even if you feel like you’re not an exact match, we’d love to receive your application and talk to you about this job or others at Kantar.
Kantar is the world’s leading data, insights, and consulting company. We understand more about how people think, feel, shop, share, vote, and view than anyone else. Combining our expertise in human understanding with advanced technologies, Kantar’s 30,000 people help the world’s leading organizations succeed and grow.

Informare prelucrare date cu caracter personal - candidati

Va multumim pentru ca ati aplicat pentru ocuparea unei pozitii in cadrul KANTAR ROMANIA, cu sediul in Calea Grivitei, nr. 82-96, et. 5 , sector 1 (“Angajatorul” sau “Societatea”).

Societatea prelucreaza date cu caracter personal ale persoanelor care aplica pentru a fi angajate intr-o functie in cadrul Societatii, cu respectarea tuturor dispozitiilor legale privind confidentialitatea si protectia datelor, precum si politicilor interne privind protectia datelor si asigurarea securitatii acestora (“Candidatul” sau “Candidatii”).
Scopul acestei Notificari privind Prelucrarea Datelor (“Notificarea”) este acela de a va face cunoscuta modalitatea in care vom trata datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal incluse de dvs. in CV-ul dvs., in orice alt document pe care ni-l transmiteti in scopul aplicarii pentru un post in Societatea noastra sau comunicate noua in cadrul interviurilor („CV”).
Prin urmare, va informam ca, in scopul derularii procesului de recrutare pentru postul pentru care ati aplicat si incheierii contractului de munca (daca este cazul), pe parcursul procesului de recrutare Societatea prelucreaza datele dumneavoastra personale cuprinse in CV, in calitate de Candidat (ex: numele si prenumele dvs., sexul, data nasterii, adresa, stare civila, e-mail, numar de telefon, experienta profesionala anterioara, studii, imagine- in situatia in care CV-ul contine poza dvs.-, alte informatii pe care decideti sa le treceti in CV, precum si alte informatii pe care vi le vom solicita pe parcursul acestui proces si care au relevanta pentru aprecierea compatibilitatii experientei dvs. cu postul disponibil (toate denumite in continuare in mod colectiv „Date Personale”).
Prin furnizarea datelor de contact ale angajatorilor anteriori, sunteti de acord cu contactarea acestora in scopul obtinerii de referinte despre activitatea dvs. profesionala.
In masura in care nu veti fi contactat pentru un interviu sau daca, in urma procesului de recrutare, nu veti fi ales pentru functia pentru care ati candidat, va vom pastra CV-ul in evidentele noastre pentru eventuale posturi similare de care ati putea fi interesat, dar nu mai mult de 12 luni dupa care vom distruge sau sterge datele din sistemele noastre. Datele dvs. Personale vor putea fi pastrate pentru o perioada mai mare in situatia aparitiei oricarei situatii litigioase dintre dvs. si noi, pana la solutionarea acesteia.
Temeiul juridic al prelucrarii Datelor dvs. Personale este consimtamantul dvs. art. 6 alin. 1 lit. a) din Regulamentul UE 679/2016 si necesitatea executarii demersurilor necesare inainte de incheierea unui contract (art. 6 alin. 1 lit. b) teza a doua din Regulamentul UE 679/2016) (daca ati fost selectat ). Pentru transferul Datelor Personale catre societati din grup, temeiul juridic este interesul legitim al Societatii (art. 6 alin. 1 lit. f) din Regulamentul UE 679/2016).
Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru niciun incident accidental sau intentionat cu privire la Datele Personale care au avut loc pe una dintre platformele online care au intermediat comunicarea intre Societate si Candidat.
Societatea raspunde doar pentru acele incidente care s-au produs din momentul in care CV-ul dvs. a ajuns la noi.In temeiul prevederilor legale privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal, dvs. aveti urmatoarele drepturi:
- de a solicita Societatii acces la Datele Personale, precum si rectificarea acestora;
- de a solicita stergerea Datelor Personale, de a va retrage consimtamantul, cu mentiunea ca acest lucru nu va afectata legalitatea prelucrarii efectuata inainte de aceasta retragere;
- de a solicita restrictionarea prelucrarii pana la efectuarea rectificarii datelor sau, in masura in care va retrageti consimtamantul, pana la momentul solutionarii acestei cereri;
- de a va adresa cu o plangere in fata unei autoritati de supraveghere a prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal sau instantelor de judecata;
- dreptul la portabilitatea datelor (daca se va aplica).Mentionam ca, la nivelul Societatii, nu exista un proces decizional automat care sa conduca la crearea unui profil al dvs., orice evaluari ale dvs., in calitate de candidat, de natura profesionala, urmand a fi efectuate in limitele si cu procedurile permise de dispozitiile legale, de personalul nostru.

Publicat 29 Mart. 2024 Reactualizat 28 Apr. 2024 Expiră 28 Apr. 2024
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