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Cord Blood Center Laboratories SRL
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Candidatul Ideal

We are looking for a Call Canter Manager to join our team in Cluj Napoca and for us, the perfect candidate would have:
  • Leadership skills: need to have strong leadership qualities to guide and motivate the team effectively. This includes the ability to set clear goals, provide constructive feedback, and inspire the team to achieve their best performance.
  • Communication skills: Clear and effective communication is crucial for a call center Manager. Need to communicate with the team members, other departments, and sometimes even customers. Good listening skills are equally important to understand concerns and provide appropriate guidance.
  • English language C1 level
  • University degree
  • Min 3 years of experience in similar role (CC supervisor, CC manager)
  • Analytical thinking: Ability to analyze data and trends to forecast call volumes accurately, track performance metrics, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Problem-solving skills: Call center Manager often encounter various challenges, such as technical issues, customer complaints, or team conflicts. The ability to analyze situations, think critically, and come up with effective solutions is vital.
  • Adaptability: Being adaptable allows to adjust to new situations quickly and find solutions even when faced with uncertainty.
  • Attention to detail: CC Manager is responsible for monitoring performance metrics, analyzing data. Attention to detail is essential for accuracy in these tasks.
  • Team player: It's important to work collaboratively with the team and other departments to achieve common goals. Being supportive, approachable, and willing to help your team members fosters a positive work environment.

Descrierea jobului

Running the RO Call Centre (CC) located in Cluj Napoca efficiently.

Campaign Management (inbound, outbound - sales, debt and ︁︀​︂︃︃​︁︂︇​︁︂︈other campaigns):
• Manage and oversee call campaigns to meet performance targets.
• Monitor campaign progress and make adjustments to improve results.
• Creating, optimisation and Improvement of different types of camaign scripts and FAQ
• Iniciating, writing and implementing call center process improvements
• Setting up performance goals and targets for call center agents
• Setting up reward and bonus system for call center agents
• Collaborate with other departments to resolve customer issues
Capacity Management:
• Plan and allocate staffing capacity for each task on a weekly basis, including inbound calls, outbound calls, and back-office tasks.
• Communicate capacity plans and scheduling changes to CC agents, providing clear expectations and instructions for task allocation and prioritization.
• Monitor adherence to capacity plans and adjust staffing levels as needed to maintain service level agreements and optimize resource utilization.
People Management / Recruitment and Development:
• Participation in hiring and training new call center staff (selecting CV, organizing and completing interviews and reference interviews, candidate selection and sending the selected candidate for approval, training of the new agent.
• Identify development needs and opportunities for team members.
Team Coaching and Performance Management and Quality management:
• To listen and evaluate recorded calls on daily basis, according to the management’s plan
• Provide coaching and support to help team members meet goals.
• Address performance issues and implement corrective actions.
• Create regular reports detailing call center performance metrics, including call volumes, service levels and agent productivity.
• Generate ad-hoc reports in response to management requests, providing insights and analysis on specific aspects of call center operations.
• Communicate with Management to approve/deny claims
Escalated client cases handling:
• Take ownership of problematic client cases escalated from agents, providing timely and effective resolution.
• Support agents in addressing escalated client concerns, offering guidance, assistance, and resources as needed.
• Communicate directly with clients to understand their issues, provide solutions, and ensure satisfactory resolution.

Descrierea companiei

Cord Blood Center este prima și cea mai mare bancă de celule stem din România, parte a Cord Blood Center Grup, una dintre cele mai mari banci de celule din sângele ombilical, sângele din placentă, țesutul de cordon ombilical și țesutul de placentă din Europa, cu sediul in Elvetia. Cu peste 20 de ani de experiență, Cord Blood Center oferă servicii de recoltare a diferitelor tipuri de celule stem din probele biologice disponibile la naștere (inclusiv din țesutul placentar).

Peste 85.000 de părinți din România au ales deja serviciile Cord Blood Center, iar până la sfârșitul anului 2020, 150 de unități de celule stem hematopoietice din sângele ombilical, stocate de către Cord Blood Center Grup, au fost eliberate și administrate în centre medicale din aproape toată lumea, pentru tratarea diferitelor afecțiuni la pacienți cu vârste între o lună și 80 de ani.

Publicat 11 Iun. 2024 Reactualizat 11 Iul. 2024 Expiră 11 Iul. 2024
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