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Descrierea companiei

Oferim clienților noștri, în mod regulat, servicii de inginerie de detaliu, construcții navale, reparații și întreținere, acoperind în principal industria construcțiilor navale.

ROSINAV a fost înființată cu intenția clară de a performa la vârful industriei de proiectare navală în următorul domeniu de inginerie: Inginerie de proiectare detaliată

We provide to our clients, on a regular basis: engineering, ship building, repair and maintenance services, covering mainly the shipbuilding industry.

Our mission

ROSINAV has been established with the clear intention to perform at the high end of the naval design industry in the following engineering area: Detail Design Engineering

Our vision 

Together we bring a unique contribution to the naval industry through performance and high quality, trust, professional growth and innovation while we foster and promote a healthy organizational culture!


Ensure a safe working environment & healthy company culture for all personnel. Pursue eco-friendly solutions. Constantly improve, grow and innovate.


Our values


Knowledge Talent Acquisition &Training Commitment to our clients Trust & Reliability Quality




3D Modelling and coordination using Class/ Owner rules and standards: Detail design for steel and new technology hull & pipes Detail design for HVAC and cable trays. Hull and Civil Structures (e.g., walls / girders) changes integration Providing full sketches for production Material list including pipes, supports, HVAC, cable trays. Manufacture drawings for pipes, pipes penetrations, overboard discharge, equipment supports, lifting eyes, stairs, floor gratings. Drawing modifications according to client needs / requirements Installation drawings according to client and yard request Multiple Software deliverables and conversions Technical review notes on engineering reports and studies, operational manuals, etc.
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