The ideal job ad does exist. Simply choose the right one for your company!

Here is what you get:
  • Applicants contacts Applicants contacts
  • 7 days display 7 days display


€49 / ad
For fast recruiting ?
  • Applicant average per ad
  • Access to all applicants
  • Custom graphics
  • Optional external application
  • Featured on the homepage
  • Video insert
  • Social media advertising
Here is what you get:
  • -
  • Access to all applicants Access to all applicants
  • Custom graphics
  • Optional external application
  • Featured on the homepage
  • Video insert
  • Social media advertising
Here is what you get:
  • +49% vs Standard  *
  • Access to all applicants Access to all applicants
  • Custom graphics Custom graphics
  • Optional external application Optional external application
  • Featured on the homepage
  • Video insert
  • Social media advertising
Here is what you get:
  • +94% vs Standard  *
  • Access to all applicants Access to all applicants
  • Custom graphics Custom graphics
  • Optional external application Optional external application
  • Featured on the homepage Featured on the homepage
  • Video insert
  • Social media advertising
Here is what you get:
  • +410% vs Standard  *
  • Access to all applicants Access to all applicants
  • Custom graphics Custom graphics
  • Optional external application Optional external application
  • Featured on the homepage Featured on the homepage
  • Video insert Video insert
  • Social media advertising Social media advertising

* Prices may be subject to change depending on your location. See our international prices
* Special campaign discounts cannot be used with other offers and cannot be used by foreign companies.
* The prices are without VAT.

Buy Ads
Customizing your package
1. Enter the number of ads:
Volume Price unit Discount
2. Add update options:
Daily or weekly we reposition your ad in top ads to get the attention of ideal candidates.
3. Promote your ads in social media as well:
Take advantage of our large social media fanbase: over 500,000 fans on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to attract even more candidates. See an example
Summary Total without VAT
x Ads
You save €
Volume Price unit Discount

Price also includes:

  • Weekly Updates Weekly Updates
  • Daily Updates Daily Updates
  • Promote on Jobradar24 Promote on Jobradar24
Total without VAT
You save €
Benefits & extra features:
  • Daily or weekly updates
    Choose one of these two paid updates, and we will reposition your job ad to the top of the listings, daily or weekly, in order to help you attract more candidates.
  • Smart sorting of applicants
    Our platform uses a complex applicant sorting algorithm (Candidate Fitness) to make it easier for you to recruit the best possible candidates for your job openings.
  • Extended distribution
    Your job ads will be sent via e-mail to right candidates based on their experience in the field/industry that you are currently recruiting for. They will also be featured on other partner websites with the help of intelligent widgets.
  • Dedicated consultants
    Every company registered on benefits from the assistance of an Account Manager, who can help you with recommendations, offers, answers and practical observations so that you can have the best possible recruitment experience.
  • Mobile optimizations
    Our platform and job ads are optimized for all mobile devices, ensuring a smooth application process for all candidates, including the ones on the move. Publish your ad, and we’ll ensure it’s optimized!
  • Smart Search
    Our intelligent search engine uses a complex algorithm to calculate the relevance of your ads and shows them even when they do not contain the exact terms candidates are searching for. This way you can be sure you will attract the right candidates, even without using all the words in the dictionary.
  • 7 or 30 day display
    Our job ads, once published, stay visible on the platform for 7 or 30 days, depending on the type of ad chosen. The display time is optimized for every ad in order to get you the best results.
  • 24 months availability
    Once bought, our services will be available to you and your team for 24 months and can be used at any time during this period. Take advantage of the volume discounts to buy more ads, which you can use all through the year!
Discover all the benefits that await you!
Millions of professionals search for new career opportunities on eJobs every day.
Optimize your recruiting efforts with the following audiences:
Over 4 million CVs. Over 4 million CVs.
Over 2 million unique monthly users. Over 2 million unique monthly users.
Over 1.500 daily new CVs. Over 1.500 daily new CVs.
Over 23.000 job applications every day. Over 23.000 job applications every day.
Recruit via a modern platform.
How does it work? Easy!
  • Write your job item.
    Describe the job requirements, including employee benefits and more information about your company.
  • Preview the job ad.
    See how your job ad will look on the site and edit it in order to make it more convincing for candidates.
  • Publish your job ad
    instantly or schedule it for a later date.
  • Candidate management.
    In your eJobs account you will find all the necessary tools for a smooth and easy recruiting process.
  • Schedule and plan interviews
    with your ideal candidates directly from your account.
 Contact us!

Customer support

Phone: 0374 40 44 33


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Starting with the 1st of October 2019, will no longer be accessible through Internet Explorer due to the browser’s unreliable features. Visit our website at any time by accessing it through one of the more modern browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Edge.
