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Specialist SAP Analytics Cloud (hybrid)

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Candidatul Ideal

"Innovation is the driving force behind the success of our business."

Curiosity, pragmatism and the desire for innovation have a long tradition at HORNBACH. When the market situation, industries and customer requirements change, HORNBACH has no reason to panic: HORNBACH keeps pace! And we have been doing so for over 145 years! Old values make it possible to discover new paths.

When it comes to implementing successful projects, people turn to the professionals in the business. Why not when it comes to your own career?

Specialist SAP Analytics Cloud

As an internationally operating group with over 26,000 employees, HORNBACH can look back on increasing corporate success in recent years. Due to this growth and the associated challenges in the finance area, we need you!

We are looking for a Specialist SAP Analytics Cloud
Shared Service Finance @ Hornbach

The Shared Service Center in Iasi (Romania) is part of our finance organization headquartered in Bornheim (Germany). As the Project Manager Shared Service Finance, you interact with all kinds of departments within the Hornbach group. As your role entails the interaction with various colleagues from different countries and backgrounds you should be interested to work in an international environment. We have very different tasks, but one essential objective: we want to bring our finance organization to the next level of process excellence and efficiency.

Do we fit together?
  • Bachelor’s or Master's degree in the field of business administration, economics, natural sciences or comparable
  • Proficient English language skills to be able to collaborate closely with our internal stakeholders
  • You have relevant professional experience in the field of data and analytics with SAP and a focus on data management, reporting, planning and/or business AI
  • Ideally, you already gained experience in two of the following technologies: SAP Datasphere, SAP Analytics Cloud (planning and/or reporting), SAP BW/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA (focus on embedded analytics), SAP Fiori
  • You have gained initial experience in agile project management, such as Scrum and Kanban

You can do even more?

Additional language skills are an advantage, particularly German

Descrierea jobului

Your assignments
  • You support the finance department in the field of SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
  • You carry out analyses in case of new SAC requirements, draft functional and technical concepts and you are involved in the SAC implementation across all phases of the projects
  • You develop customized applications in SAC in the fields of data and analytics, business AI and reporting.
  • You are familiar with the world of data analyses and you are eager to explain to your internal customers in the finance department what possibilities advanced analytics and AI tools in the SAP Business and Analytics cloud environment open up for themYou coach SAP users in the diverse possibilities of the system

That's something you can look forward to:
  • You can expect an open working atmosphere with flat hierarchies and great colleagues in a down-to-earth family business.
  • Flexible working hours and the option to work remotely
  • Being located in Iasi is not a necessity
  • Grow with us: we promote your professional and personal development with tailored training and further education in an evolving Hornbach business services organization.
  • We rely on you: with a permanent employment contract and an attractive salary package
In addition to a motivating salary, at HORNBACH you can enjoy a variety of benefits, including:
- Meal vouchers up to 577.5 net/month (calculated on 21 days worked, 27.5 lei/day)
- Transportation allowance: 160 lei net/month
- Two annual bonuses, each with a fixed amount of 1200 lei net
- Performance bonuses based on results
- Stay curious and informed with access to the Bookster library
- German courses

We are looking forward to meeting you!
In our team of over 26000 colleagues, there is always room for new ideas and talented people who want to turn their professional future into a successful project.

HORNBACH supports you in your project with an attractive salary and other benefits.

We look forward to receive your application!

Descrierea companiei

HORNBACH se află în topul magazinelor de materiale de construcţii şi grădinărit cu o cifră de afaceri de peste 4 miliarde euro/an, cu o reţea de peste 165 de magazine şi peste 26000 de angajaţi. Momentan este prezent în 9 ţări europene. HORNBACH este o afacere de familie, independentă, listată la bursă, aflată deja la a 6-a generaţie. Astăzi compania germană operează unul dintre primele cinci lanţuri de magazine de materiale de construcţii şi grădinărit din Europa.

În spatele succesului HORNBACH se află angajaţii noştri, conduşi de către o echipă de management experimentată. Angajații noştri reprezintă succesul companiei. Compania noastră se dezvoltă an de an şi creează astfel permanent locuri de muncă noi şi de durată. Din acest motiv, modalitatea de cooperare este similară celei specifice unei mari familii. Tinerii lucrează alături de cei în vârstă, cei experimentaţi alături de cei în curs de instruire, uniţi prin loialitate, umanitate şi încredere. Dreptul de a greşi este un lucru firesc, asemenea dreptului de a beneficia de perspective profesionale.

Peste 145 de ani de istorie dovedesc succesul HORNBACH!

Publicat 30 Dec. 2024Reactualizat 29 Ian. 2025Expiră 29 Ian. 2025
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