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AmRest Food Srl
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal


Person on this position is responsible for whole process of supply chain management in BK Romania, especially maintain central distribution on the right level. Plan, implement and drive strategy to  maximize product and cost benefits. Based on that strategy define the opportunities for AmRest and  drive the purchasing and maximalize the company's profit. Participates in other supply projects.

Descrierea jobului




Deliver added value  to SCM clients by consolidation of purchasing  of food  and packaging, new technology implementation and new products development.

Provide excellent DC system to reduce the non-customers hours in restaurants.

Select vendors and negotiation prices in accordance with company strategy.

Establishing long term strategic partnership with suppliers core products and procurement materials.

Manage NPD process from supply side with identifying new products and suppliers, preparation od cost analyses,secure the best price, standard and avaiability of LTO ingredients.

Manage strategic relationship with AmRest and Key Client.

Manage documentation to fullill internal/ external compliance.

Connect all suppliers and find  their needs.

Participates in opening new stores (implement data in Micros, organize all deliveries, delivery all tools connected with supply).

Identify opportunities and implement changes that will reduce the cost of product to customers.

Manage admin activities like AOP, BSC, regular and non regular reports, micros.

Your skills & education:
  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Experience in supply chain or/and logistics at least 1 year
  • QSR, Horeca or logistic experience is considered a plus 
  • Fluent in english is a plus
  • Driving license B category
  • Strategic and outside of the box thinking 
  • Commitment to exceed customer expectations
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skills 
  • Positive energy 

Descrierea companiei

Our Promise:
  • To be a partner of a fast-developing organization (member of international group);
  • A unique culture of openness and customer focus;
  • Cooperation with strong, international team & brands;
  • Accelerated professional and personal development driven by meaningful challenges.
Publicat 13 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 1 Febr. 2025Expiră 12 Febr. 2025
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