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Customer Experience Manager

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Candidatul Ideal

- Knowledge of transport and warehousing methods, costs and benefits
- Excellent problem-solving skills
- Experience in providing ︅︉︇︇︍︂︃︋​︂︆︄︅​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎customer service support
- Awareness of industry’s latest technology trends and applications
- Proficiency in English

Descrierea jobului

- Take ownership of customers issues and following problems through to resolution
- Answers customers’ questions, resolves problems, ︁︄︇​︁︆︁​︂︄︈​︁︇︁and maintains customer satisfaction
- Involved in projects from requirements definition through deployment, identifying schedules, scopes, budget estimations, and implementation plans, including risk mitigation
- Report project outcomes and/or risks to the appropriate management channels and escalate issues, as necessary, according to project plan
- Manage relationships with clients and stakeholders
- Develop service procedures, policies and standards
- Takes over the communication with client, required on a managerial level and concerning the coordination of new projects.
- Responsible to support the Managers for budget calculation for customers.
- Fully focused in the customers’ requirements: tracking and controlling KPIs performance; leading new operational projects, IT projects for the communication with the customer, actively participates in the CI projects.
- Tracks the budget execution on monthly basis

Descrierea companiei

La GXO, suntem mandri ca reprezentam o echipa globala ce are talente la fiecare nivel al organizatiei. Ne concentram pe crearea unui loc de munca care sa permita tuturor sa se dezvolte. Avem grija de sanatatea si siguranta angajatilor nostri; diversitatea, respectul si accentul pe colaborare sunt principalele elemente ale modului care ne desfasuram activitatea si ale rezulatelor furnizate.

Oferim salarii competitive, posibilitati de dezvoltare a carierei pentru fiecare membru al echipei, lucrand intr-o companie agila, bazata pe tehnologie.

GXO SUPPLY CHAIN ROMANIA SRL este o companie specializata in activitati de depozitare, transport si distributie

Asteptam sa te alaturi echipei noastre!

Publicat 28 Nov. 2024Reactualizat 26 Dec. 2024Expiră 28 Dec. 2024
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