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Buyer - Raw Materials

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Business Management, Purchasing / Supply Chain Management or related field.
3-5 years of experience in operational procurement within a global manufacturing organization.
Strong organizational skills with ability to work independently and under pressure
Ability to conduct routine tasks with meticulous approach and attention to detail
Must be able to make decisions with insufficient information regarding material demand
Must be able to make decisions regarding purchase order timing and delivery schedule to secure sufficient supply of materials
Must be able to make decisions regarding purchase price (within the approval limits)
Strong data analysis skills with proficiency with MS-office and the ability to learn new systems
Professional verbal and written skills
Ability to communicate effectively
Attention to detail

Job Description

Responsible for raw material call-off timing decisions to secure raw material availability
Material simulation and responsibility to ensure sufficient supply of materials based on current stock and future material demand.
Contributes to the development of operational procurement processes and category team work
Purchase order and delivery schedule planning and placing within the frame agreements given by Category Manager, Strategic Purchaser or Regional Procurement Manager
Responsibility of keeping the inventory levels and rotation within the target range
Delivery control and order confirmation handling
Frequent communication with suppliers regarding deliveries
Minor claim handling
Invoice error handling
Input for intracompany material flow management (in cooperation with logistics)
Escalates supply issues and risks to regional procurement and category manager
Ensures that regional sourcing activities are carried out in compliance with local laws, as well as company approved policies, processes and instructions.
Delivers on assigned KPI’s and targets for raw material procurement, including but not limited to service and delivery accuracy, invoice auto matching, inventory turns, etc.

Company Description

Suntem cel mai nordic producător de anvelope din lume. Originea noastră finlandeză este fundația pe care am construit echipa globală Nokian Tyres. Îți oferim un loc sigur în care să lucrezi și să evoluezi, ca un adevărat pionier al meseriei tale. De la prima anvelopă de iarnă în 1934 și până la prima unitate de producție cu zero emisii de CO2 din lume în 2024 – Siguranța este o provocare demnă de o echipă curajoasă. Vino alături de Nokian Tyres! Împreună facem călătoriile mai sigure, generație cu generație!

We are the world's northernmost tire manufacturer. Our Finnish origins are the foundation on which we have built the global Nokian Tyres team. We offer you a safe place to work and grow as a true pioneer of your craft. From the first winter tire in 1934 to the world's first zero CO2 production facility in 2024 - Safety is a challenge worthy of a brave team. Join Nokian Tyres! Together we make traveling safer, generation after generation!

Published Jan 22, 2025Updated Feb 13, 2025Expires Feb 21, 2025
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